Lauren Mundy

Lauren MundyCan you tell us where you've worked?
I've been hairdressing for 11 years. In my 4th Year I started to work for John Brennan Hair at Bay Village. I was selected to join a team of 12. We worked together to design the collection for the next season. While still working for JB Hair I entered a photographic competition with wella and came equal first.

I travelled to London and joined a salon called HOSH, they were a new salon so I helped them get the salon up and running, while I was there I had been promoted to salon manager. I started work for another company RUSH on Tottenham court rd - In Cental London. I learned a lot and work some of the best hairdressers in the world. When i was there I had been promoted twice! from director, to style director, and then to senior dircetor, in a short space of 8 months.
After 2 yrs in the UK my visa was up and it was time for me to come home.

I started work at Judy Dowd Salon pretty much straight away and it was perfect timing for the both of us. Judy helped me find my feet back in the real world. She has/is constantly encouraging me and mentoring me in the right direction.

Judy also introduced me the Hantesis range . I hadn't heard of the CHROMATIQUE COLOUR before but since I started using the product I have fallen in love with it.

Can you tell us about your award?
My most recent accomplishment is winning the "Open International Cutting Competition'' at Hair Expo in June. It was a live cutting competition on stage in front of a full auditorium. I was up against some of the best in the business, from all over Australia and Overseas. The haircut was to be completed in 45 minutes - I finished with 16 minutes remaining!
I used Hantesis CHROMATIQUE colour on my model and I couldn't be more proud and happy with the finished result.